Saturday, March 19, 2011

A kicked dog will hollar

I offended a girl today. See I have noticed that there are a lot of internet activists on Tumblr. What they do is find blogs posted by people on Tumblr who may say insensitive or ignorant shit and they reblog it and call them out on it. Then there other activist friends chime in with the intellectual shade and next thing you know your feed is clogged over appropriate terms and non bias language. That is all they do on Tumblr. They are mad about everything. I believe in calling people out on their shit but I won't make that the center of my fucking internet life. Not to generalize, but maybe I am. Most of the people up in arms are people who are young, queer, gay, trans( although that isn't even an acceptable term), fat, disabled, non-white, and female. Basically anybody that isn't white, male and heterosexual.

This one particular girl all she does was social justice troll. And sometimes she reblogs very smart pieces. However, she never posts anything that is pleasant. She does not joke. If she wasn't getting in someone's ass because of the words they chose to use, or their particularly ignorant statements about previously mentioned people, she was posting porn. Yes, porn, she gets all riled up about marry, fuck, or kill but, she has no problem with posting pictures of some woman's vagina all up in folks feed. So after her snarky comment that reproductive rights shouldn't be limited to women because people who don't considered themselves to be female have children. I had enough. You can call yourself what you want but only biological females can give birth to children. That female can consider herself male all she wants, but the uterus and ovaries tell otherwise. It is what it is. A woman who lives her life as woman has a much different life than a man that lives his life as a woman with surgery or not.

Anyway after having enough I posted this:

Sometimes I feel like some of you need a hug, cuddle and a good laugh

Some of you seem so so incredible sad and angry over everything. It’s mentally exhausting reading your stuff. I wouldn’t want to be the person trying to make y’all asses happy. I couldn’t measure up to the scrutiny.

That girl immediately unfollowed me. This is not the first time I have made a post like that because she is not the only one who does this. But today I suppose she was feeling a particular sort of way. Folks had begin to get in her ass about her nasty ass posts to people and they were unnecessarily cruel to her, telling her to kill her self and shit like that. It is obvious the girl has mental issues no need to add fuel to the fire. I guess my point of all this is, you can be an activist you can check people but you also need to LIVE. Be got damn happy. People are not all set out to hurt you. Not everyone is going to agree with you and you need to learn to respectfully disagree with one another. Choose your fucking battles. Back away from the damn computer and go pet some kittens are something.


  1. Poor thing...her ego was wounded! LOL

    Your rebuttal was classic..."I wouldn’t want to be the person trying to make y’all asses happy. I couldn’t measure up to the scrutiny."

  2. She felt some truth in it or else she wouldn't have unfollowed! lol I was going to stay followed to her but I was like let me let that miserable girl go. Nice to hear from you girlie!
